Saturday, April 7, 2012

Topic ten: Learn English strategic

I have some strategic to learn English. One of them I take some English basic materials in the ESL class. Second strategic I try to ­­­read some thing about TOEFL exam because it's a target for me. Third strategic I shared in one of  learning English site ( that is send to me all single month some English powerful  stories. Also I watch English T.V show if  I have a free time. The last strategic I try to contact with native speaker if it's possible.

Topic nine: Brave person

My definition to a brave person, Any person has a brave enough to against your problem in your life, without knowing the outcome. Brave is also being able to stand up for what you believe. I think the Nelson Mandela is a best example to brave person because He was defending his country and his idea for a long time. Also he ready to spend big part in his live in the prison, While he didn't know the outcome.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Topic eight: Spring Season

Year separate for four season is one of the GOD give and very important for live. Spring is one of season year. It is the best time of the year according to the opinion of many people. It is the time when nature awakes, air has absolutely different smell, the sun is shining, birds are chirping and flowers are blooming. Other important point for me in the summer is a Kurdish new year, It's beginning in the first day of spring and Kurdish people make traditional celebrations usually occurs on March 20.